Monthly Digest, January 2019
Hey there, Sumo-ling!
Welcome to our first-ever newsletter! In this post, you’ll see improvements we’ve made, what’s going on with the partners you love, and learn a little bit about the superstars behind the AppSumo machine (I know it’s hard to believe, but we are people just like you).
We also wanted to take a moment to thank you — 2018 was our #bestyearever and we’re excited to make 2019 even better! So without further ado…
Shawshank Redemption Instructions
We’ve revamped the way you see your instructions in your account and have added neat features like being able to copy your redemption code to your clipboard (hallelujah!).
I’ll Take You There
You can now use your referral link to share a specific deal you’ve purchased.
Let’s Talk About It
We launched a brand new, hyper-optimized About page so you can creep on us (at super-fast speeds!)
It’s What’s on the Inside That Counts
Notejoy just launched the ability to search inside images and documents via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology. Uh-huh, you can search text within a PDF! Full details here.
Check on It
The Jeffalytics team wants to make your day by giving you access to this neat, super helpful, and FREE Google Analytics optimization checklist.
Have It Your Way
Customize UTM tags, share stories directly to your business page on Google, leave feedback after being asked to approve a story, and more new StoryChief features.
Chandler, Head of Engineering
What odd talent do you have?
I speak Esperanto.
What’s something everyone should try at least once?
I think everyone should try something they are 95% sure they would fail. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.
Meet one of us weekly on the ‘gram! Give us a follow here.
The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson
“No, you won’t be given a score of 1 to Psychopath by the end, but you *will* explore the concept of Psychopathy and the dangers of creating diagnostic measures that stigmatize individuals.” —Candice
Netflix’s Chef’s Table
“Stunning cinematography and inspiring stories from the world’s best chefs. Just don’t watch on an empty stomach.” —Julien
Kodiak Cinnamon Oat Protein Waffles
“These delicious treats are easy to make and giving me the life (and gains) I need right now.” —Chrystie
That’s all folks! Like receiving these updates? Reply and let us know!
❤️ and 🌮,
The AppSumo Team
P.S. Want to see which deals are in our store right now? Click here.